Known scientifically as the post-ejaculation refractory time, or PERT, the time it takes to get a new
erection after ejaculation varies widely depending on the age of the man. Although hardly scientific, 30 minutes is perhaps the recovery time most commonly cited.
For young men in their 20s, erection recovery time ranges between 5 and 30 minutes, according to Drogo K. Montague, M.D., of the Cleveland Clinic’s Glickman Urological Institute. In an interview with Cosmopolitan, Montague said that the older the man is, the longer it takes to get a second erection.
After a man ejaculates, the muscles in the penile area relax and blood flow to the penis decreases
In one of life’s cruel ironies, women don’t need to recharge their sexual batteries between lovemaking
sessions. “As long as she’s aroused and lubricated, a woman is physically capable of having sex as many
times as she wants without a break in between,” Montague told Cosmo.