If you are afflicted with erectile dysfunction, you’ll eventually need to decide what ED medication is best to suit your needs. If you opt to go with Cialis, here are some handy dandy tips you should follow to ensure you are getting the best bang for your buck.
Take It Daily: Cialis isn’t like other ED drugs. While Viagra must be ingested when sexual activity is planned, Cialis is taken daily. Using this method, your body will be prepared to perform no matter the time of day, so you won’t have to set your sexual schedule around your medication.
Watch What You Eat: Like all medication, Cialis will perform differently if taken on a full stomach or empty stomach. If you take your daily pill before breakfast, the effects will take hold sooner, due to the lack of food in your stomach. However, if you’d prefer for the drug to kick in later in the day, take your pill after eating a meal to slow the effects.
Pick the right dosage: Cialis is available in both 2.5 mg and 5 mg tablets. The 2.5 mg option is typically viewed as the starting option; not too weak, but not too strong. If you find that the 2.5 mg tablet suits your needs, stick with it. However, if you find the 2.5 mg tablet is not sufficient, consult with your doctor about moving up to the 5 mg tablet option.