If your waistline has been growing and you find your erection has been failing, there could be a direct correlation between the two. Weight gain is one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction. While it can be disheartening to lose your erection due to what you eat, there is good news. Weight caused erectile dysfunction is one of the easiest forms of erectile dysfunction to lose.
When you gain weight, your body will struggle to deal with these newfound pounds. Your heart will have difficulty quickly getting blood to your penis, thus preventing you from achieving erections. Your body will also begin to produce less testosterone, which is vital to achieving an erection.
If you want to shake off your weight induced erectile dysfunction, you’ll need to make some life changes. Eating better and getting active will help exponentially. If you work hard enough, you’ll begin to see the weight fall right off.
Studies have found that losing 5% to 10% of overweight body weight can lead to a serious improvement in sexual function. So if you want to see your erection again, shrink your waistline!