Like all medication, Stendra works best under certain situations. If you’re looking to start taking Stendra and you aren’t quite certain how to get the best results with it, here are some tips to point you in the right direction. If you follow these tips, your Stendra should work quickly and efficiently, getting you into the sheets that much quicker.

Take it at the right time: It is advised to take Stendra 30 minutes before sexual activity. This allows the drug to dissipate throughout your blood stream and take effect.

Get it started the old fashioned way: Stendra does not result in an instantaneous erection. To coax your erection out, engage in some foreplay or general sexual activity. When your body is nice and ready, your erection will come to life.

Don’t overdo it: Stendra can only be taken once a day. If you take Stendra more than the recommended amount, it could lead to health issues. So table the marathon love making session for later and stick to only one dose.

Don’t fill up before taking it When taking medication, it’s always advised to do so on an empty stomach so the drug can take effect quickly. If taken on a full stomach, you will have to wait for your food to digest, which can slow the effects of the medication.