When you find yourself on a pack-a-day habit, your body is going to be paying the price down the line. While smoking can be relaxing, it can lead to serious health complications. Lung cancer and gum disease are quite common among long time smokers, but men who spark up regularly also have to worry about erectile dysfunction.
Yes, really. While the connection between a smoking habit and your erectile health may not seem obvious, experts have found that regular smoking can lead to erectile dysfunction. This is due to the fact that smoking can lead to a narrowing of the arteries. When the arteries are narrowed, blood isn’t able to quickly reach vital parts of the body, including the penis. With blood flow slowed, your body will struggle to get blood to your erection, leading to many missed erections.
The solution to smoking caused erectile dysfunction is easy: Kick the habit. Experts have found that cutting cigarettes out of your life can drastically improve your erection. A recently conducted study of 65 sexually active men who smoked examined the effects of smoking on erectile dysfunction. Experts helped the men to quit the habit and tested the result it had on their erections. By the end of the study, 75% of the men who quit smoking reported regaining their erections.
If you want to regain your erection, put down the cigarettes. Other wise, you may never seem your erection return to it’s former glory.