When it’s time to get down to business between the sheets, you find you’re not able to rise to the occasion. When it happened the first time, you just wrote it off as a fluke. But this problem has become a little more common. You find yourself unable to achieve an erection from time to time, and you’re worried. To ensure you catch your erectile dysfunction before it becomes a serious issue, here are some warning signs that you could be developing erectile dysfunction.

Growing waistline: If you’ve been packing on the pounds lately, this could be the culprit for your newfound erectile dysfunction. Weight gain can lead to a narrowing of the arteries, which can lead to erectile complications. Get active, eat better, and your erectile problems should disappear.

New medication: Did your erectile problems strike soon after your started a new medication? Your medication could be to blame. Speak with your doctor about your problem and together you can determine what medication would work best for you without affecting your erection.

Feeling stressed: If you’ve been feeling extra stressed lately, this could be the reason behind your lost erection. It’s been found that stress can lead to erectile problems. Get to the root of your stress, find a way to overcome it, and your erection should return to normal.