Erectile dysfunction. The very term summons thoughts of an old man unable to get it up anymore. But while ED has historically been associated with men in their golden years, the stark truth is that ED can affect men of all ages. Sure, it becomes more prominent as you age, but men as young as 20 are finding that losing the ability to achieve an erection is a threat that is all too real.

As you age, your body will begin to undergo changes. Your blood vessels will thin and your heart will struggle, which will lead to blood having to work harder to make it’s way through the body. When your body can’t get blood quickly to the penis, this leads to missed erections.

But thinning blood vessels and heart problems shouldn’t be a problem for younger men, right? Well, that’s true. But there are many other factors that can afflict men of all ages, which can lead to ED. Some of the most common causes of ED in younger men are:

–       Obesity

–       Smoking

–       Alcoholism

–       Depression

–       Stress

ED can strike at any age, and it’s become increasingly prevalent in younger men. If you’re a younger man and you are finding it difficult to achieve an erection, consult a doctor and find out what could be causing your affliction.