Like a monster in your closet, older men feel like erectile dysfunction is looming just around the corner, waiting to strike. It’s a fact of life that your body is going to undergo some serious changes as you age, including tightening of the joints, decreased hearing, and, eventually, the loss of your erection.
Yes, the day will come when your body isn’t able to get blood down south quite as quickly as it used to, which will lead to it’s fair share of missed erections.
But when is the dreaded ED going to finally strike? When can you expect to lose your erection?
Ultimately, the age you begin to lose the ability to achieve an erection is entirely dependent upon your life choices. Men who stay physically active, eat well, don’t smoke, and practice moderation with alcohol tend to be healthier internally. Thus, vascular problems, such as reduced blood flow, which leads to ED, aren’t as likely to strike early. A healthy man could be well into his 80’s before he finds he isn’t able to get it up like he used to.
But for men who haven’t always eaten kale salads and ran 5-minute miles, ED tends to come up a bit earlier. Research has found that most men tend to experience ED around 65, with the percentage of men reporting suffering from ED climbing from 65 on.
If you’re looking to delay the inevitable, live well and be healthy, and you won’t have to worry about erectile dysfunction for many, many years.