Erectile dysfunction. It can strike seemingly at any time, leaving even the manliest man brought low by the loss of his erection. All men fear losing their virility, and this fear is compounded by the fact that most men really aren’t sure what causes erectile dysfunction. Some men have heard whispers that too much masturbation can lead to ED, while others swear a poor diet will do your erection in.

Let’s set the record straight. Here are some of the most common causes for ED:

Stress: Boss riding you at work? Feeling like you’re not providing for your family? Feel like there just isn’t enough time in the day? Stress can come from many factors, and it can weigh heavily on a man’s mind. So heavily, in fact, that it can begin to affect a man physically. When a man is preoccupied by stress, the body may struggle to keep an erection.

Depression: Like stress, depression can feel overwhelming. Even if everything in your life is going great, depression can throw a serious damper over it all, leading to you struggling from day-to-day. Depression can be caused by outside factors, or it could be caused by internal factors. However it rears it’s ugly head, it can lead to the body missing erections.

Weight gain: If you’ve been packing on the pounds, you may see your erection pay the price. As the body puts on weight, the blood vessels begin to narrow, seriously hampering blood flow. When blood can’t flow through the body quickly, it will struggle to get blood to your lower extremities, leading to missed erections.

Medical: Erectile dysfunction can be a warning sign of something even worse. Heart problems, high blood pressure, and hardening of the arteries have all been found to be related to ED. If you’re erectile dysfunction becomes severe, consult a doctor to find out if it’s a red flag for something deadly.