For most people, erectile dysfunction is commonly associated with growing older, a natural part of the aging process. For others, it’s the occasional missed erection after a few drinks too many.

But the stark truth is that erectile dysfunction is no laughing matter. Capable of striking at any moment, ED is a serious affliction with serious consequences. Losing your erection can be a deeply embarrassing problem, but ED can be even worse than simply losing your erection.

In fact, ED can oftentimes be an indicator of something much, much worse.

While many men would be quick to write off a bout of erectile dysfunction as being caused by a poor diet or stress at the office, it would be wise to not be so flippant about your ED.

ED has been linked to a litany of health problems. Research has found that ED can be a byproduct of serious diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and even prostate cancer. Experts have found that ED can even be an early warning sign for developing neurogenic diseases such as Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis.

Bottom line: ED isn’t always dangerous, but it could be. While the occasional missed erection is no reason to start drafting out your will, it would still be wise to speak to a medical professional about your problem. While talking to a doctor about losing your erection can be embarrassing, it could very well save your life.