We’ve all heard the old wives tales about masturbation before. Do it too much and you’ll grow hair on your palms. Or maybe you’ll go blind. Or maybe your penis will stop working. Obviously, none of those rumors are in the least bit true. But that’s not to say that excessive masturbation can’t lead to issues. In fact, an overreliance on masturbation could very well lead to problems in the bedroom.

No, masturbating won’t cause you to develop erectile dysfunction or anything medically severe like that. But masturbating too much can affect your ability to last in the bedroom.

This is because masturbation can put emphasis on achieving orgasm. If you rush to reach orgasm when masturbating, this can translate to crossed wires upstairs. You see, this “race to the finish” mentality when masturbating will lead to your body and brain associating anything sexual with a quick orgasm. So when it comes time to get down to business between the sheets, your brain will remember that you want to finish quickly, leading to your tryst ending quickly.

Normal masturbation is in no way harmful to your ability to last during sex, but how you masturbate is what matters. If you find that your masturbation is causing you to finish quickly in the bedroom, adjust your masturbation habits. Make it enjoyable instead of a mad dash for the finish.

When you’re able to pace yourself while masturbating, you should see this translate into intercourse. Just take your time, enjoy yourself, and remind yourself that it’s about the journey, not the destination.