Communication can make or break a relationship. If you aren’t able to effectively talk with your partner, your relationship will suffer, and things will eventually fall apart. Whether it be about the firmness of your erection, what you want to do for dinner, or your feelings on the in-laws, communication is key.

But even the most seasoned of couples might find it a little difficult to open up when it comes to the subject of erectile health. It’s an incredibly personal subject, and many men will shy away from the subject, even if their ability to achieve an erection is suffering.

But erectile dysfunction affects both members of a relationship. Relationships require a healthy physical aspect, and erectile dysfunction can put a serious damper on this. When a couple is unable to connect on a sexual level, feelings can begin to bubble up that could place your relationship at risk.

Instead of suffering in silence, open up a dialogue about the issue. Talk about how the erectile dysfunction affects both of you, and open the floor for questions from both sides. Work together to determine the best way to overcome ED, be it from medication, weight loss, or an alternative solution. If you should decide to seek medical help, invite your partner to accompany you.

The ultimate goal of talking about erectile dysfunction is to build support. For a relationship to thrive, both parties need to feel as though their partner has their back. If you both clam up and simply let the problem get worse, it’s going to lead to a serious strain on the relationship.

So remember: If you’re a man suffering from ED, you’re not in it alone. Talk to your partner, open up, support one another, and you’ll get through this.