When most men think “erectile dysfunction,” they tend to think of old men, unable to get it up while dealing with back pains, memory loss, and the inability to stay awake. While it is true that erectile dysfunction becomes increasingly prevalent in older men, the truth is that erectile dysfunction affects men of all ages. So whether you’re 22 or 82, it’s possible that ED could strike at any moment.

“But that’s impossible!” You may think to yourself. “I’m young, and I’ve never heard of anyone my age experiencing erectile dysfunction!”

More and more young men are experiencing erectile dysfunction, with a recent study finding that 26% of men under 40 had been affected by ED. But the key difference between young men experiencing ED and older men experiencing ED is the root causes.

In older men, the cause of erectile dysfunction is mostly physical in nature, with the heart slowing, reducing blood flow, and making erection difficulty. However, in younger men, the causes of erectile dysfunction tend to by psychological in nature.

Stress at work, relationship problems, depression, and anxiety are all common causes of erectile dysfunction amongst young men.

Furthermore, drinking to excess and casual drug use is prevalent amongst young men. Alcohol and drugs have been found to constrict the blood vessels, greatly decreasing blood flow, which can make it difficult to achieve an erection.

So ED can strike at any time, at any age. To ensure you don’t have to worry about erectile dysfunction until you’re older, make good life choices, eat well, be active, and live a happy, full life.