The act of circumcision is ancient, and is seen as an incredibly important part of being a man. While a large portion of the world does not practice circumcision, it’s still incredibly common in the western world. While there are pros and cons for circumcision, one of the most prevalent myths concerning circumcision is that it can heighten a man’s chances of premature ejaculation.

This is due to the fact that circumcision removes the foreskin, which exposes the sensitive shaft and glans on the penis. With these areas exposed, it is said that sexual activity will gradually lead to a reduction in penis sensitivity. After enough sexual activity, your penis will be ready to blow at a touch, leading to premature ejaculation.

While this rumor has subsisted for almost as long as circumcision has been commonplace, numerous studies have not found any connection between circumcision and premature ejaculation. In fact, a study of premature ejaculation and circumcision conducted at the Department of Urology at Medway Maritime Hospital in Gillingham found that time to ejaculation was the same between circumcised men and uncircumcised men.

Scientists have also examined the rates of premature ejaculation between parts of the world where circumcision is commonplace against uncircumcised parts of the world, and it was found that there were no real differences between the numbers.

So the rumor of premature ejaculation for circumcised men is just idle chatter, with absolutely no medical basis. Whether you’re pro or anti foreskin, your chances of premature ejaculation are exactly the same.