For as long as there has been erectile dysfunction, there has been someone touting a plant or a root as an all-natural miracle cure. These remedies, originating primarily from China and Africa, are said to open up the blood vessels, encourage blood flow, and lead to rock hard erections, just like Viagra or Stendra.

But unlike Viagra or Stendra, these claims don’t have a whole lot of research to back them up. Despite existing for centuries, natural remedies haven’t been thoroughly investigated and tested. Some herbs used to treat ED have been found to cause side effects, while some roots can have dangerous side effects if taken with unrelated medication. The science around these natural remedies are hazy at best.

But that’s not to say that natural remedies can’t be useful for fighting erectile dysfunction. Natural ED treatments can help to overcome ED when used in conjunction with established ED-fighting methods, but should not be relied upon to best ED all on it’s own. For instance, if your erectile dysfunction is related to recent weight gain, noshing on some herbs and roots can help you to achieve an erection, but only through positive lifestyle changes will you manage to completely overcome ED.

If you wish to overcome your erectile dysfunction au natural, the truth is that you may spend years and plenty of money on purported miracle cures that ultimately don’t fix your problem. Furthermore, some of the natural remedies circulating on the market have been found to be risky, with some increasing chances of bleeding or leading to irregular heartbeats.

When it comes to erectile dysfunction, stick with the sure thing. Talk to your doctor about what ED medication might be best for you.