When you suddenly find yourself grappling with the possibility that you can no longer consistently achieve an erection, it can be difficult to decide what you should do next. You may wonder if you’re making a mountain out of a molehill; after all, every man misses the occasional erection, so this must not be anything to worry about. You may deny you have a problem, reasoning that a missed erection or two isn’t anything serious. You might even own up to the fact that you have an erectile issue, but opt to do nothing about it, figuring that the problem will work itself out in time.

While erectile dysfunction can be a difficult problem to deal with, the simple fact is that it’s an issue that needs to be addressed. If you find yourself struggling to achieve an erection, it’s not a problem that is going to go away on it’s own accord. You need to get proactive about overcoming the problem.

The best way to do this is by speaking to a doctor about your erectile dysfunction. Due to the somewhat embarrassing nature of ED, most men simply opt to skip the doctor. A recent US survey found that 71% of men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction never spoke with a doctor about their issue. On top of this, due to not speaking with a doctor, a whopping 76% thought there was no medical treatment available for them.

While embarrassing, erectile dysfunction is not a problem that will go away on it’s own. Speak with a doctor, determine what is causing the issue, and work together to figure out the best way to overcome the problem.