It feels like erectile dysfunction is an inevitability; lurking just around the corner to strike and take away your ability to get down to business between the sheets. No man wants to lose the ability to be sexually active, so age-induced erectile dysfunction can be downright scary.
But rest assured that your erection isn’t going to simply wither and die the moment you hit 60. Erectile dysfunction is caused by a variety of internal factors, such as blood flow and cardiovascular health. While it’s true that your body will one day lose the ability to supply a steady stream of blood to your penis, that doesn’t mean you can’t push this inevitability back.
The key to avoiding erectile dysfunction is by being healthy, plain and simple. Eat heart healthy meals, be active, avoid vices such as cigarettes, and practice moderation when it comes to alcohol consumption.
While this might sound like an obvious answer, living poorly greatly increases your chances of erectile dysfunction. The longer you eat poorly and live a sedentary lifestyle, the greater your chances of developing erectile dysfunction.
If you’ve decided to try and save your erection by changing your lifestyle, it might be too late. A lifetime of living poorly could have erectile dysfunction set in stone for you, but making positive lifestyle changes could always improve your chances of prolonging the inevitable.
If you’re looking to avoid erectile dysfunction for as long as possible, it’s important to live healthy. If you practice healthy living, you won’t have to worry about erectile dysfunction for many years.