If you find yourself struggling to get out of bed in the morning, you find yourself not enjoying activities you typically love, and you prefer to be alone, you might begin to wonder if you’re saddled with depression. When you’re depressed, it can feel as though a big cloud is hanging over your head, affecting everything you do and controlling how you feel.

Depression can begin to leak into every aspect of your life, and could eventually find it’s way into the bedroom. In fact, depression and sexual issues are commonly linked, with a whopping 47 percent of men diagnosed as being clinically depressed reporting having problems with their sex life.

You may wonder how your current mood can play a part in the very physical act of achieving an erection, but the connection is very real. This is because your erection depends on signals from the brain that let it know it’s time to get to work. When you’re depressed, these signals can get lost amid the out-of-balance chemicals, and your brain suddenly can’t communicate to your body that an erection is needed.

The problem with depression and erectile dysfunction is that it can begin to feel like a vicious circle. When you’re depressed and you suddenly find yourself unable to perform in bed, this can lead to feelings of inadequacy and just makes both problems all the worse.

If you’ve been depressed and you’re now struggling to achieve an erection, don’t wait for your situation to get better. Seek help for your depression, and work to get to the bottom of the problem. Over time, you should be able to kick your depression to the curb, and your erection should return soon after.