Do you struggle to consistently achieve an erection? Well, there’s an easy exercise you could be incorporating into your daily life that could very well bring your erection back to its former glory. It doesn’t require any weights, you don’t have to be a work-out nut to do it, and it can be done literally anywhere. It’s the kegel exercise, and it could be the key to saving your erection.
When someone mentions kegel exercises, men are typically not the demographic that springs to mind. Kegel exercises have long been associated with pregnant women, with moms-to-be using the exercise to improve bladder control. But kegel exercises help curtail urinary slip-ups by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, a group of muscles responsible for regulating the bladder and, you guessed it, the erection.
By toning your pelvic floor muscles, you’ll be strengthening the muscle group responsible for controlling your erection. These bulbocavernosus muscles, as they’re known, allow the penis to engorge with blood and pumps semen during ejaculation. If you work this important muscle group, you could regain your erection.
Kegel exercises are incredibly simple to perform. Simply squeeze the muscles in your groin responsible for urination. These muscles can be found by stopping your stream during urination. Feel those muscles tightening? Those are your pelvic floor muscles.
Once you’ve located the muscle group, squeeze these muscles, hold it for five seconds, and then relax. Simple as that. Performs reps of these squeezes 10 to 20 times, two or three times a day.
Eventually, kegel exercises will become easier, ensuring you can knock a rep out anywhere, be it on the floor at home or standing in the elevator at work.
Stick with kegel exercises, and you should see your penile control greatly improve.