Erection dysfunction can be caused by seemingly an endless number of issues. Whether it’s due to depression, laziness, or smoking, ED can rear it’s ugly head and strike at any moment. While a vast majority of erectile-related issues can be traced back to psychological issues, your erection isn’t in the clear even if you have an untroubled mind. In fact, it could even be your medication that ends up doing your erection in.
Yes, the medicine you are taking explicitly to help your body could end up causing issues in other parts of your body. While antidepressants and antihistamines have been linked to ED, one of the most common medicinal causes of the problem is blood pressure medication.
This is problematic because many men depend on blood pressure medication to lower their blood pressure to save their erection. For some men, the medicine they are relying on to solve their problem actually just ends up making the problem worse.
That’s not to say all blood pressure medication will worsen your erectile dysfunction. The most common culprits for ED are diuretics (better known as water pills) and beta-blockers. Typically, these would be the first kind of blood pressure medication a doctor would likely prescribe to a man struggling with high blood pressure.
If you’re struggling with high blood pressure and you already have ED, talk to your doctor and avoid diuretics and beta-blockers. It’s been found that men with ED that take these forms of medication typically find their ED worsening, with a recent study finding that a whopping 70 percent of men polled that took these medications while afflicted with ED found their ED getting worse.
If you have high blood pressure, talk to a doctor about the best medication to overcome this issue. But if you’re struggling with erectile dysfunction, explore possible alternatives to diuretics and beta-blockers.