When the term “erectile dysfunction” is thrown around, it probably elicits images of crotchety old men struggling to get it up. But erectile issues aren’t just reserved for men well into their golden years. In fact, more and more young men are experiencing erectile dysfunction. In fact, ED amongst young men has been on the rise in recent years, with a recent study finding that 5 percent of men between 20 and 39 are affected by erectile dysfunction.
But what is causing this rise of ED among young men? After all, ED is commonly associated with health issues such as heart disease and clogged arteries, so it should be impossible for young, healthy men to develop ED, right? In actuality, erectile dysfunction can be caused by a number of factors, of which health issues are but one.
Erectile dysfunction can also spring from a man’s mental state and the world around him. Young men dealing with depression, anxiety, guilt, low self-esteem, and other psychological factors can often find it difficult to achieve an erection due to the mind being preoccupied. Outside factors such as stress at work, anxiety about money, and relationship issues can also lead to ED developing.
The rise of ED among the younger crowd can also be traced back to overindulgence. The consumption of alcohol is very common amongst men in there 20’s, and younger men are also smoking more cigarettes. Both of these vices can lead to internal issues, which can in turn lead to erectile dysfunction developing.
All men experience some form of ED at one point in their lives. But if you’re a young man who is consistently struggling to achieve an erection, speak to a doctor or a psychologist to determine what could be causing your issue. By getting to the root of the issue and diligently working to overcome the problem, you should be able to regain your erection.