As a man struggling with erectile dysfunction, you’ve committed yourself to trying any and all solutions to overcome your issue. People are always quick to offer at-home remedied, but you’ve yet to find anything that can truly help achieve an erection. But you’ve heard the idle gossip about watermelon, and it’s apparent erectile restorative abilities. Word on the street is that watermelon is nature’s answer to Viagra, and enough slices of the delicious fruit can bring any erection back to life.

But let’s clear up this misconception; yes, watermelon does contain elements that can help to achieve an erection, but no, it probably won’t help you to achieve an erection.

You see, watermelon is chock full of an amino acid known as citrulline. Citrulline works similarly to Viagra in that it relaxes the blood vessels and encourages improved blood flow, especially to the smaller vessels located on the body such as the group that leads to the penis.

The theory is that by eating enough watermelon, the body will be flooded with citrulline, will allow a man to achieve an erection. But researchers have not yet pinpointed the actual amount of watermelon that needs to be ingested to achieve an erection. A four-ounce serving of watermelon contains about 150 milligrams of citrulline, so researchers theorize that man would need to eat a lot of watermelon to feel it’s effects.

So if you’re considering ditching your Viagra for watermelon, don’t. It’s tasty, but it won’t help replace your erectile health medication any time soon.