When you have diabetes, it may feel like you have enough to worry about already. Between keeping a close eye on your blood sugar, watching what you eat, and trying to keep your issue in check, diabetes can feel like a full time job. But for men dealing with diabetes, the disease can lead to bigger problems than simply watching your sugar intake.

This is because diabetes affects your blood vessels and blood supply. If not regulated, diabetes can lead to a narrowing of the arteries, which translates into diminished blood flow to important organs. When the arteries in the body begin to narrow, the smallest arteries in the body are typically the first to be affected. One of the smallest clusters of arteries on the body is the batch that leads to the penis. When these arteries narrow, this means blood struggles to reach the penis. Erections require blood, and lots of it, to function properly, so when your penis is cut off from a steady blood flow, this translates into missed erections.

While developing erectile dysfunction after dealing with such a troublesome disease as diabetes can feel like going from bad to worse, the truth is that ED can be avoided if you look after your diabetes. This might sound like an obvious solution, but it’s really the only way to avoid ED as a man with diabetes.

Keep a close eye on your blood sugar, ensuring that it always stays in a safe zone. Watch what you eat, stay active, and live a healthy life.

If you’re a man dealing with erectile dysfunction and diabetes, talk to your doctor. Together, you can determine the best medication for your issue and how you can best overcome this issue.