High blood pressure is a relatively common problem, affecting millions of Americans. But while high blood pressure can be regulated and lowered to a healthy level, many men dealing with the affliction find themselves dealing with a much more embarrassing problem as a result of high blood pressure.
Yes, while you wouldn’t guess that the two health issues would even be mildly related, the truth is that high blood pressure, if left unchecked, can lead to issues downstairs. In fact, high blood pressure-induced ED is fairly common, with a recent study published in the Journal of Urology finding that 68% of men with high blood pressure reported having some degree of erectile dysfunction.
When you step back and think about it, the correlation makes perfect sense. Your penis is entirely dependent upon the network of arteries in your body to provide it with the blood necessary to engorge and become erect. When left unchecked, high blood pressure can lead to artery damage. When damaged, your arteries will struggle to dilate as they are supposed, thus drastically slowing blood flow to the penis. With no steady blood flow, the penis cannot properly engorge, which equates to a missed erection and an embarrassed man.
But that’s not to say developing high blood pressure is an automatic death sentence for your love life. If kept in check and monitored, your arteries can be left unaffected, allowing blood to freely flow throughout the body and supply the penis with all the blood it needs.
So, if you’ve got high blood pressure, keep a close eye on your numbers. Your erection will thank you.