In the world of men, erectile dysfunction is the closest medical equivalent to a four-letter word. It’s rarely discussed, and when it’s finally brought up, it’s in hushed tones or behind closed doors. Because most men would be so hesitant to talk about such an intimate issue, it’s a medical problem that many remain ignorant on.
If you’ve found yourself recently struggling with your erection, it can definitely feel like you’re in this alone. You can’t exactly turn to your friends about such an issue, and it can feel embarrassing to talk to your partner about the problem. But rest assured, you are far from alone.
Erectile dysfunction is an incredibly common ailment that can afflict men of all ages. Studies have found that ED is becoming increasingly prevalent among younger men, and the numbers of older men suffering from the issue is only rising.
In fact, a recent study found that about 50% of men between ages 40 and 70 suffer from erectile dysfunction, which is higher than previously conducted study numbers. Researchers say this rise can be attributed to higher levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, and more men relying upon tobacco and alcohol.
So, while you probably won’t hear your friend group talking about it any time soon, erectile dysfunction afflicts thousands of men, so you are far from alone.