You’ve always prided yourself on being a man that’s prepared for anything. Whether it’s by making sure you’ve got everything you’ll need for your camping trip, or by bringing an old fashioned map when your phone up and dies on a road trip, you like to think you’re always two steps ahead. But when you suddenly find yourself unable to achieve an erection, you suddenly find yourself woefully unprepared.

The sudden loss of your erection can be scary, troubling, and downright humiliating. But, unfortunately, it’s something you just won’t see coming. While many health issues carry “early warning signs” with them (i.e. other issues in the body serving as a heads-up that related issues may develop down the line), erectile dysfunction does you no such favors. It strikes seemingly at random, and it tends to crop up at the absolute worst times.

While there are no traditional “early warning signs” for erectile dysfunction, that doesn’t mean that ED can’t be stopped before it develops. The thing about erectile dysfunction is that it can normally be traced back to its source; whether its stress at the office, an overreliance on tobacco, or living lazily, ED can be caused by a variety of life choices that can all be changed.

If you’ve developed ED, talk to your doctor. If the issue isn’t physical in nature, you’ll be urged to find the root of your problem and work through how to get around it. If you’re looking to avoid erectile dysfunction, cut out vices, live healthy, and learn how to deal with psychological hang-ups.

So, erectile dysfunction may not let you know when its going to rear its ugly head, but with work, you might not ever have to worry about it developing in the first place.