Depression is a slippery slope. When these intense feelings of sadness and defeat manage to weasel themselves into your life, it can be hard to shake them. When you become aware of your depression, this can oftentimes lead to your depression getting even worse. For those that suffer from depression, it can almost feel like depression is a vicious circle from which there is no escape.
While depression can impact your social decisions and life outlook, it can also begin to leak into your health. When you’re depressed, your brain is bombarded with chemicals that tell the brain to feel depressed. These chemicals can overtake other, important brain signals, leading to issues elsewhere in your body, such as with your erection.
You see, your erection requires that the brain signals it when its time to get to work. When you’re depressed, these sexual arousal signals can get lost in the shuffle, leading to your penis not getting the notice that its time to achieve an erection. This can happen consistently, with your depression chemicals and arousal chemicals battling for supremacy.
The problem with depression induced erectile dysfunction is that it can just serve to further gum up the works. When you notice you can’t achieve an erection, this leads to your depression getting worse, which in turn makes your erectile dysfunction get worse. It can be a vicious circle.
But there is a way out. Seek treatment for your depression. Whether its through medication or an alternative method, depression can be defeated. Once you’ve squared away your depression, your brain won’t be jumbled with signals anymore, allowing your erection to get back to work. But it all starts with taking that first step to overcoming it.