Erectile dysfunction comes in a variety of forms. There’s ED that occasionally pops up to mess up your night, there’s ED that strikes when stress at work is too much, and there’s ED that shows up and sticks around. While erectile dysfunction that is brought about due to mental hang-ups or outside factors can be easily overcome, ED that is due to physical issues can be a little harder to beat. Oftentimes, the physical cause isn’t permanent, and with hard work it can be defeated and your erection can return to normal.
But what about the physical causes that can’t be easily beaten? What about the internal issues that are set in stone and can’t be defeated through hard work and perseverance? Unfortunately, there are times that erectile dysfunction can’t be defeated via traditional methods, no matter how hard you try.
In situations such as these, your doctor may recommend pursuing surgery to remedy your issue. In erectile dysfunction surgery, a tube is added to the penis, which can be manually inflated via a pump. With this surgery, the physical issues aren’t fixed, but the pump allows you to circumvent these issues and achieve an erection.
Surgery should be considered a last ditch effort. There are plenty of pills, remedies, and workarounds that have been found to help men with ED, but if these solutions all fall short, talk seriously about the pros and cons of erectile surgery with your doctor. But it’s not a surgery to take likely; before pulling the trigger, make absolutely sure that it’s the right solution for you. Because once you’re under the knife, there’s no going back.