When you hear the term “erectile dysfunction,” most men would think of older men in their golden years fighting tooth and nail to coax an erection out. Erectile dysfunction is commonly seen as an issue reserved for the elderly; after all, senior men have a litany of other health problems to deal with, so it would make sense that their erection would kick the bucket too, right?
But erectile dysfunction is not a health issue reserved for the over 75 crowd. In fact, it has been found that erectile dysfunction numbers are on the rise in men under 40. While men under 40 suffering from ED used to be a small percentage, a recent study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine found that 1 in 4 men under 40 suffer from erectile dysfunction.
While ED numbers are certainly high in the senior crowd, this ED rise in younger men is raising plenty of eyebrows. Experts contribute this rising percentage to younger men dealing with more issues that can lead to erectile dysfunction: stress at work, stress at home, anxiety about changes, and a higher reliance on tobacco and alcohol.
While older men afflicted with ED can oftentimes be a little too late to undo their erectile woes, this isn’t the case with younger men. While ED is becoming increasingly commonplace in the younger crowds, younger men can undo this damage before it become permanent. By coming up with ways to deal with stress and anxiety, getting active and avoiding high fat foods, and cutting out tobacco and alcohol, younger men can shake off ED and bring their erection back to its former glory.