It sounds like an old wives tale, but you’ve heard it so many times that you’re beginning to wonder if the rumor has any truth to it. Word is that bicycling too much can actually lead to a man developing erectile dysfunction. You aren’t quite sure how that would work, but you’ve had several friends swear up and down that regular biking can lead to problems downstairs.
Well, they’re not entirely wrong. Yes, it has been found that biking regularly can lead to erectile dysfunction, but its not like hopping on your bike every so often and taking it for a spin will spell the death of your erection. In fact, even if you bike every day, that doesn’t mean your erection is doomed. When it comes to biking and erectile dysfunction, it’s all about what you’re working with.
When you bike, you bear your weight on a bundle of nerves and arteries that are responsible for carrying blood to the penis. If you have a hard, unforgiving seat, this can lead to this bundle of nerves and arteries becoming damaged, which can affect your body’s ability to supply your penis with blood, which equates to missed erections.
However, if you switch up your hard seat for something softer that conforms to the shape of your body, you can avoid this health hazard. By investing in a seat that doesn’t hurt that vital nerve and artery damage, you can ensure that regular bike riding won’t pose any threat to your erection.
So if you ride regularly, or even if you ride once in a while, invest in a confortable seat that works with your body. Elsewise, you might one day find yourself having issues in the bedroom, and you’ll have nothing to blame but your bike.