When you’ve got an issue, it’s not unusual for your doctor to write up a prescription and send you on your merry way. While this new prescription may help you with one issue, it can sometimes lead to entirely different issues developing. These side effects are common, and they can develop in a variety of ways. Some medications will cause you to break out in bumps, while others while lessen your appetite, while others still can actually lead to you developing erectile dysfunction.

Yes, the medication you ingest can actually lead to problems developing with your penis. There is no uniform reason for ED developing from these medications, as some meds might affect the nerves that control the erection, while others may affect blood flow. While the reasons vary, the results are all the same: Your initial issue may get better, but your erection will pay the price.

There are many drugs on the market that can lead to ED, including blood pressure medication, antidepressants, antihistamines, and Parkinson’s disease medication. That’s not to say that getting a prescription for one of these drugs is a guarantee of erectile issues developing. These side effects can affect people for various issues, but they don’t affect everyone.

If you’ve recently started taking a new medication and you find yourself struggling to achieve an erection, talk to your doctor. It’s very possible this new drug is causing issues with your erection, and a simple change of prescriptions can fix this problem.