When some men develop erectile dysfunction, they see it as a temporary roadblock on the road of occasional hook-ups and short-term partners. With medication and hard work, ED can be overcome, and life pretty much returns to normal for these kind of men. But there are some men that have long term plans in mind: Kids, a white picket fence, the whole nine yards. For these men, when ED suddenly develops, this whole future can be thrown into question. Many associate ED with infertility, and this could mean that this sudden inability to get an erection could mean that you won’t be able to reproduce anymore.

Let’s clear this up right now: Developing erectile dysfunction does not suddenly make a man infertile. When suffering from ED, there are various ways to overcome the issue and essentially trick your body into achieving an erection, and when orgasm is reached utilizing these methods, the man will still ejaculate and everything will work like it is supposed to. So if your little guy suddenly struggles to stand at attention, do not take this as a sign that children are no longer in the cards for you.

But that’s not to say that infertile men can’t suffer from erectile dysfunction. Studies have found that about 20% to 25% of infertile men report suffering from sexual dysfunctions, with ED being one of the most common. But ED tends to afflict infertile men after they have been diagnosed as infertile, not the other way around.

So if you’re having erectile issues, don’t give up your family plans just yet. Talk to your doctor and you should be able to figure out a way to beat this problem.