Everyone understands the general concept of erectile dysfunction drugs: If you can’t achieve an erection, you take a little pill, and suddenly you can achieve an erection. It sounds relatively straightforward, but when it finally comes time to pop that little pill, there may some lingering questions. Namely, just how long are you going to be waiting around for this pill to get to work?
Well, the answer to this question isn’t uniform. You see, there are several brands of erectile dysfunction drugs on the market, and they all work differently. Some are designed to last longer, some are designed to work quicker; the all-important “when” varies from drug to drug.
For instance, for that little blue pill Viagra, it typically takes about 60 minutes for the effects to take hold. Alternatively, Cialis tends to take about 45 minutes to kick in, but this timeline can be shortened to about 15 minutes if the pill is taken on an empty stomach. Next up, Stendra usually takes about 30 minutes to get to work. Finally, both Levitra and Staxyn clock in around 25 minutes for effects.
So, the difference between the various brands isn’t night and day, but it these little variances in time might be important to you. As such, it’s important to determine which ED drug best suit your needs, and that includes effect time. Just make sure to take your ED drug at the right time, and you’ll be ready for a romp between the sheets.