It sounds like a bad joke; What food can help you with erectile dysfunction? Lots of chocolate. Yes, so the story goes, that eating enough of the sugary, gooey confection can apparently help your erection to spring back to life and turn you into sexual tyrannosaurus rex. But despite the spread of this old wives’ tale, most men wouldn’t give it a second thought. After all, how could something so chock full of sugar and fat possibly help your erection? If anything, you would think it would make your erectile dysfunction worse. Well, you’re right, in a sense. Too much chocolate and you will see your ED worsen. But it is also true that chocolate can help with your erectile woes.

That’s not to say that you should run down to the store and scoop of dozens of Hershey’s bars. No, the kind of chocolate that can help with erectile issues is very specific. If you’re looking to help your erection, it’s raw chocolate that you need to be introducing into your diet.

Processed chocolate bars are produced by heating up the chocolate, which causes the antioxidants found within chocolate to wither and die, turning the cocoa from a healthy snack into a belly busting sugar treat. But raw chocolate is an entirely different animal. Loaded with antioxidants and nitric oxide boosting compounds, raw chocolate can help to encourage improve blood flow within the body. In fact, studies have found that consuming a single raw chocolate bar can lead to a 5-1 point drop in blood pressure, which translates into expanded arteries and better blood flow.

Additionally, raw chocolate is filled with flanavols, which has been found to improve the body’s production of circulating angiogenic cells (CAC). CAC are the cells linked to the care of your endolithium, which is the lining found in your blood vessels. With CAC production doubled, your vessels get stronger, which means blood can flow easier, which means blood can reach your penis quickly and produce an erection.

Like all things, raw chocolate should be enjoyed in moderation. But if you’ve been struggling with ED, the blood vessel boosting powers of raw chocolate may be the food you’ve been praying for.