Unlike some problems, which have warnings and indicators to give you a heads-up that it’s coming, premature ejaculation strikes suddenly. You won’t know you have it until you have it. You could be a veteran in the sheets, but a single night will shake your sexual bravado to its core. Once you find yourself struggling to last during intercourse, your mind will turn to the why’s and wherefores. After all, this is an embarrassing problem that you’ve never dealt with before; surely, there must be a definitive, easy-to-pinpoint cause of all this suffering?
Unfortunately, when it comes to premature ejaculation, it’s hardly ever a result of a single culprit. Instead, ejaculation issues can be caused by a litany of issues coming together to cause your body to struggle to last during sex. But there is a list of usual suspects when it comes to premature ejaculation. Typical causes of premature ejaculation include:
-Nerves: If you’re with a new sexual partner, or you’re returning to sex after a dry spell, you may find yourself dealing with nerves and jitters. Being nervous for new sexual encounters can lead to your body reaching orgasm quicker.
-Stress: Be it at home, at work, or in your relationship, stress can translate into quick orgasms.
-Erectile dysfunction: If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, and you manage to achieve an erection and engage in intercourse, you may find yourself worrying about lasting, thus leading to early orgasm.
-Physical issues: Internal issues can also lead to premature ejaculation. Abnormal hormone levels, out-of-balance brain chemicals, and abnormal reflex activity within the ejaculatory system can all lead to premature ejaculation.
If you’re dealing with premature ejaculation, don’t waste your time looking for one definitive cause. Odds are, there are several issues that are leading to your current ejaculatory state. Speak with your doctor and work together to determine a way to overcome this issue and get your love life back to normal.