When erectile dysfunction rears its ugly head in the bedroom, men often revert into panic mode. Contemplation is undertaken, a healthy dose of praying is thrown in, and a boatload of Googling is conducted to determine just what has caused this issue. But while you may search far and wide for a definitive answer to your malady, the simple fact is that, eventually, a doctor is going to have to get involved.

Erectile dysfunction is a medical issue, and it’s a doctors job to treat such medical issues. But men will often hem and haw over setting up an appointment over such a personal issue. When it comes to ED, many men opt to skip the doctor all together, which simply leads to the issue getting worse. But embarrassment over talking to a doctor concerning erectile issues is surprisingly commonplace; in fact, a US survey found that 71% of the men polled had never broached the topic of erectile issues with their doctor out of fear that they would dismiss their sexual concerns.

Men, a doctor will never waive off your issues. If you are dealing with erectile dysfunction, a medical professional can offer insight, tips and tricks, and medication to help you to beat the problem. But it all starts with seeking help in the first place.

When it comes to talking to your doctor about an issue like erectile dysfunction, it’s all about transparency. Before you book an appointment with your physician, prepare to field the questions that will inevitably be asked by taking note of these issues:

– When did you first notice you were having erectile problems?
– Are you still capable of achieving morning erections?
– Do you only experience erectile issues when engaged in sexual activity, or does it also happen when masturbating?
– Are you currently on any medication?
– How would you rate your sex drive?

Sure, such questions might be embarrassing, but they’re necessary to get to the root of your problem. Don’t let something like your pride prevent you from getting medical help. Talk to your doctor about your erectile dysfunction and you should be able to overcome it together.