There are many men who make it their goal in life to strive for the best body possible. This requires long hours in the gym, lifting, pulling, and pushing to sculpt their bodies into a mass of muscle. And while striving for physical perfection isn’t a problem in and of itself, there is concern that constant working out can lead to health complications. After all, everything should be enjoyed in moderation, even bettering yourself, so could exercising too much cause problems within the body? Could all those hours of lifting and running be putting you on the fast track to erectile dysfunction?
Well, that depends. If exercise is accomplished naturally, your sex life doesn’t run the risk of going belly-up any time soon. But if a man turns to enhancements for his workouts (i.e. steroids), the penis can find itself potentially running into ED.
But in actuality, naturally working out is one of the best ways to avoid erectile dysfunction. ED can often develop as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, which can have a detrimental effect on your vascular health. If a man doesn’t take time to get active, the heart will struggle to supply the body with adequate blood flow, leading to the development of erectile dysfunction.
But by exercising, you’ll give your body the fighting chance it needs to avoid ED. Regular exercise has been found to improve circulation throughout the body, ensuring that everything that needs blood to function properly (i.e. the erection) gets what it needs and stays healthy. In fact, as little as 20 to 30 minutes of exercise a day has been found to drastically improve blood flow, which translates into a strong, more reliable erection.
So, no, exercise in and of itself won’t put you at risk of erectile problems. But if you decide to bring steroids into the mix, you might be trading muscles for your sex life, and you’ll need to decide if that trade is worth it.