If you were to grab a dozen men off the street and ask them what their most valued, protected asset is, you’d likely get the same answer every time: The penis. While the heart keeps us alive, and the brain keeps us thinking, it’s the penis that men seem the most attached to. That’s why when an injury befalls the penis, it can feel like the end of the world. As you sit there with a bag of ice on your bits, you may find yourself wondering what comes next. Will you still be able to urinate properly? Will it shrink? Does this mean no more erections?
While its easy to go into “worst case” scenario when it comes to groin injuries, the honest truth is that penile and groin damage does not necessarily mean that you’ve got ED looming in your future. In fact, much like any other injury, if treated and looked after properly, there’s no reason your little soldier shouldn’t be up and operational soon afterwards.
But that’s not to say that men can shrug off all penis-related injuries. The penis is a sensitive area, and it is possible to damage it in such a way that erections become more difficult. As the penis requires blood to achieve erections, should an injury harm the blood vessels and slow blood supply, or even damage vital nerves within the penis, ED can become a serious reality.
So it’s a mixed bag; if you receive a groin-related injury and begin to have erectile issues, it’s possible its purely in your head and you should be fine. But on the other hand, there exists the possibility that your ED could be due to a physical issue within your penis.
If you suffer an injury downstairs and begin to have erectile issues, be safe and speak to your doctor. Together, you can find out if it’s a serious issue or just your brain playing tricks on you.