When erectile dysfunction rears its ugly head, it can be easy to resort to panicking. After all, you suddenly find yourself unable to achieve an erection, effectively killing your sex life and potentially driving a wedge between you and your partner, so it’s easy to fall right into panic. But by keeping a level head and taking note of the factors of your erectile issues, you can better understand the root cause, allowing you to better fight it and regain your erection.

There are two causes of erectile dysfunction: Mental and physical. While erectile dysfunction manifests in the same way for either cause, how the ED develops differs radically for each cause.

If the cause of your ED is mental in nature, it has typically developed as a result of a recent jarring change in your life. If you developed erectile issues after experiencing stress at work, or having money troubles, or breaking up with your partner, odds are the ED is mental in cause. Additionally, if your body retains the ability to achieve an erection through masturbation or while you are sleeping, then it is a mental hang-up that is causing your erectile woes.

For physically induced ED, the erectile issues affect you both during sex and while you are alone. If you find yourself incapable of achieving an erection no matter the situation, it is likely that your ED is being caused by a physical issue, i.e., an artery blockage, heart issue, or growing waistline.

No matter what the root cause, erectile dysfunction is not an issue you should take lightly. Figure out the cause, speak to your doctor, and work on beating the issue. Only with hard work will you be able to recover your erection.