It’s a fact: Erectile dysfunction is one of the most underreported health issues among men. This issue is attributed to the fact that men are often nervous about speaking with their doctor about erectile issues. A man can talk openly about cancer, but when it comes to issues downstairs, men tend to clam up. This means there are thousands of men looking for ways to overcome their erectile dysfunction without bringing a doctor into the equation. And, dependent upon what the root cause of the ED is, this can be entirely doable, or totally impossible.

Most ED cases are related to a physical issue, such as eating poorly or not exercising regularly. In instances such as these, the remedy is simple: Treat your body better. If the ED has a physical root cause, you’ll need to get physical to overcome it. This means cutting out fatty and sugary food, and opting for nutritious grains and vegetables. Instead of lounging around on the couch, get up and get active. As little as 30 minutes of walking a day has been found to cause a 41% drop in risk of developing ED.

So, whether you’re looking to overcome this issue or simply want to make sure you don’t ever have to worry about erectile issues, the prescription is the same: Eat well, get active, and make good life choices.

But ED caused mental issues may be a different game altogether. Mental hang-ups, such as depression and anxiety, can lead to complications in the bedroom, and overcoming this issue will take a bit more work than a daily walk. Speak to a mental health professional about your problem, and together you can work on a way to beat your ED.

So, to overcome ED, you’ll need to figure out what kind of ED you’re dealing with. Once you’ve got that established, it’s all about making the right choices and dealing with the issue properly.