Despite what you might have heard, there is nothing more natural than masturbation. While this age-old pastime has been referred to alternatively as both “sinful” and “a surefire way to get hairy palms,” the simple truth is that it a totally normal way to blow off some steam. But like all things in life, masturbation is best enjoyed in moderation. As a once in a while activity, it presents no problem. But as a daily occurrence, it can lead to issues. For men that masturbate too much, the short feel-good sensation is a trade-off for potential long-term issues in bed.

Think of your brain as a dog. Like a dog, it can be taught to do things through repeated usage. Just as a dog learns to fetch a ball after you throw it a few times, your brain can pick up traits when taught to do so; i.e., knowing that you need to wake up at 7 for work because you wake up at 7 every morning. This also applies to the sexual side of the brain.

For men that masturbate frequently, masturbation becomes a race for orgasm. For these men, the act of masturbating is not an activity that should be enjoyed; rather, masturbation is a means to an end, a way to reach the feel-good orgasm. But consistently rushing through masturbation to reach orgasm, you teach the brain that sexual activity is a sprint for the orgasm. The brain subconsciously learns that sex, like masturbation, is not meant to last long, and is simply a means of reaching pleasure.

This line of thinking then transfers over to sex, causing men to reach orgasm quickly while with their partner. Thus, they have created a premature ejaculation problem for themselves, even if they weren’t aware of it.

So, if you masturbate frequently and struggle to last during sex, ease off the masturbation. Self-pleasure every once in a while is healthy, but if abused, it can lead to problems in your sex life. With you masturbation habits kept in check, you should find it much easier to last in the bedroom.