Dealing with erectile dysfunction is scary. It can often feel like your own body is betraying you; after all, even if you’re with the most beautiful person in the world, in the most erotic situation possible, your little guy might not give you as much as a wiggle. So while you try your best to stay on top of your erectile issues, dealing with ED on your own or with a longtime partner is one thing; dealing with erectile dysfunction with a brand new partner can be downright terrifying. So how do you deal with ED and continue to have a healthy, fulfilling sex life with your new partner?
First and foremost, it’s important to explain your situation to your partner. While it might be difficult to talk about, this is a person you’ll be spending a lot of intimate moments with. Stress to your partner that ED doesn’t mean the end of sex, nor does it mean that you aren’t attracted to them. ED is simply a biological, or sometimes mental, block that makes it hard to get erect. Reaffirm that you want to engage in intercourse, but remind your partner that sex will take a little more work.
Which leads to the most important aspect of having sex with a new partner while struggling with ED: Patience. Both parties need to realize that sexual intercourse is going to take a bit more work, but by working together, sex can remain fun and interesting. Men that deal with erectile dysfunction typically rely on erectile aids to produce an erection, and this requires pre-planning, as this drugs typically take some time to get working. As such, plan ahead for intercourse, but take it slow. Focus on foreplay and enjoying each other’s company, and your erection will be ready and raring in no time.
So yes, engaging in sex with a new partner while dealing with ED is going to take a bit more work. But by tackling the problem together, your ED should be nothing more than a hiccup in a wonderful, fulfilling relationship.