Getting older brings with it many joys. Watching your children grow. Seeing the world change. Finally getting that senior’s discount. But for every good thing, it seems as though the aging process balances it out with a litany of bad things. Back pain. Hearing problems. Falling asleep at 7 o’clock. But while issues such as these are an inevitable part of growing old, what about erectile dysfunction? Men around the world have heard that losing the ability to achieve an erection is just a downside of making it into your golden years, but is that true? Is erectile dysfunction just a normal part of the aging process?
Well, that depends. Like all things related to your body, how your erection performs as you grow older is entirely related on how you treat it when you’re younger. Much like how men take up yoga to ensure a strong, healthy back as they age, men must look after their erections if they intend to keep it around long into their seniors.
But unlike yoga as a deterrent for back problems, there aren’t any exercises or methods to be utilized to keep the erection healthy and strong. Instead, men need to turn their attention to their heart.
The erection requires ample amounts of blood to function properly, and it is the heart’s job to get this blood to the right place. By regularly exercising, eating heart healthy foods, and abstaining from heart-harming activities such as smoking, the heart can continue to do its job as the body ages, ensuring the erection always has the blood it needs to get to work, even as a man enters into his 80’s and 90’s.
But if a man opts to eat poorly, skip exercise, or generally make heart-harming choices, erectile dysfunction will eventually come. For men that do not look after their hearts, erectile dysfunction can pop up as early as the 50’s, while other men will begin to develop ED in their early-60’s. While the age that ED will strike is not set in stone, men that do not look after their body will likely develop erectile issues at some point.
So make positive choices, eat well, and look after your heart, and erectile dysfunction should never be a concern. Growing old doesn’t mean the end of your sex life, as long as you look after your erection now.