When it’s time to move, its wise to keep that old saying in mind: Location, location, location. Whether you’re moving for the first time or the hundredth time, you want to consider just where you want to move up. And while you might be more concerned about how close your new home is to the grocery store, you might also want to find out how likely you are to develop erectile dysfunction.
You read that right. While ED is typically caused by factors such as stress at work, depression, or a poor diet, it seems that location can also enter into the equation when it comes to your erection. That’s not to say that certain geographic areas are known to cause erectile dysfunction; after all, it’s not like simply being in North Carolina will cause your little guy to stop working. But it is true that ED is much more prevalent in certain places in the United States.
In a recently conducted survey put together by ErectileDoctor.com, it was found that men that live in Arizona, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin were more affected by erectile dysfunction than men living in states such as Virginia and Georgia. The reason: The ED-prone states had a high population of men over 60.
While it is true that older men are more prone to developing erectile dysfunction, age isn’t the only factor that puts these states at ED risk. Health challenges prevalent in these states, such as obesity, can also lead to the development of erectile dysfunction. Thus, with a big population of older men and men affected with health issues, the ED rates rise.
That’s not to say that you should pick up and move if you find out your state has high numbers of men suffering from ED. Rather, be conscious of the health issues affecting your state, and take precautions to avoid them. Young or old, men can make positive lifestyle choices to stave off ED. Otherwise, they risk becoming another statistic in their ED-riddled state.