Odds are, if you’ve heard the term “Vitamin D,” it was in a commercial. As the cheery woman in the commercial angles the body of juice towards the camera, she offers a big smile and yelps “It’s a great source of Vitamin D!” And while having plenty of Vitamin D in something sounds good, most men would be hard pressed to tell you what exactly Vitamin D does. But this mystery Vitamin is actually important to the body, and men looking to avoid erectile dysfunction would be wise to learn what it is and how to get it.
In technical terms, Vitamin D is a secosteroid that aids the body in increasing intestinal absorption of vital chemicals such as calcium and iron. With plenty of Vitamin D in the body, these chemicals get absorbed properly and assist in pumping and moving blood.
But when a man is Vitamin D deficient, the body will not have the proper levels of Vitamin D acquired chemicals, which can lead to issues relating to the heart (i.e. heart disease, heart attacks, congestive heart failure, etc.)
In relation, when the heart begins to suffer due to a lack of Vitamin D intake, this can lead to issues with the penis. As the heart falters, blood output will slow and the arteries will begin to harden, making it difficult for the body to supply parts of the body with the blood needed for tasks such as erections. As the body continues to struggle with heart issues, the small cluster of arteries near the penis can harden to the point that the required blood for an erection can no longer be received, leading to erectile dysfunction.
Thankfully, Vitamin D is remarkably easy to get. Aside from the Vitamin D rich rays of the sun, this little vitamin can be found in foods such as eggs, mushrooms, salmon, milk, and small servings of pork and beef.
While it can be easy to not think about your Vitamin D levels, men definitely want to avoid the pitfalls that come with Vitamin D deficiency. So make sure to get plenty of that healthy vitamin and your life, and your heart, and by association your erection, should be just fine.