The brain is a powerful thing. It controls your loves, your hates, and everything in between. In addition to playing a deciding factor on your feelings on Law and Order and Scandal, it can ultimately affect various aspects of your body including, yes, your erection. As a result, when a man struggles with erectile issues, the root cause isn’t always physical in nature; rather, it could be caused by a hang-up in the old grey matter. But how do you determine if your erectile issues are caused by physical or mental issues? Easy: Take note of when you achieve an erection.
For physically induced ED, you’ll likely to struggle to achieve an erection at all times. If you find you cannot achieve an erection during sex, but you also find that you no loner wake up with erections occasionally, this is a solid indicator that your erectile issues come from a physical issue; i.e., heart issues, recent weight gain, blockage in your arteries, etc.
But if you find that you can occasionally achieve an erection with a partner or by yourself, this indicates that your erectile woes stem from a mental issue. As the body is known to subconsciously produce an erection while a man is sleeping, if you wake up with erections, this proves that everything internally is working as it should and that your ED is all in your head.
Be it depression, anxiety, anger, or stress, your feelings can sometimes override your brain and present your brain from pursuing certain functions, such as the achieving an erection.
So yes, if you can achieve an erection unconsciously but struggle to achieve an erection in a sexual situation, you are dealing with erectile dysfunction, albeit ED that is all in your head.
Work with a mental health professional to get to the root of your ED, work together to confront these feelings, and you’ll be ED free in no time.