For men that regularly lace up their boots and step out onto the field, injuries are quite common. Millions of men worldwide pride themselves in playing sports, and thousands of these men will incur a sports-related injury during their career. These injuries range from mild concussions to broken bones, and the resulting health complications that can develop as a result of these injuries can vary wildly. But there is one sports-related injury that can not only permanently effect a man, it can also lead to issues in the bedroom: The spinal cord injury.

Every year, more than 10,00 men incur a spinal injury. These spine-based injuries can be caused by roughness in sports, a workplace related injury, or just plain old bad luck, but the end result is the same: Impaired back movement, loss of normal blood supply, and, quite possibly, erectile dysfunction.

Spinal cord injuries, especially spinal cord injuries classified as “complete” injuries, can often cause loss in sensation and muscle function below the waist. This can often translate to lost feeling in the penis, and the inability of the penile muscles to contract and take on blood properly. Dependent upon the severity of the injury, these erectile issues can either be temporary or permanent.

So if you find yourself struggling to achieve an erection after a recent spine-based injury, this isn’t mere coincidence: This indicates that your injury may be severe, and your body cannot achieve an erection as a result. Talk to a doctor, determine what can be done to treat your back and, with any luck, you should be able to recover your erection in no time.