When erectile dysfunction rears its ugly head, the mind immediately springs to one thought: “What is causing this?” Men experiencing ED for the first time will begin to wrack their brains for the culprit for this embarrassing issue; after all, if the root cause can be determined, that must make it easier to stomp out the problem, right?
Well, worry not; you won’t have to devote too much time to trying to figure out if it was your recent break-up or an overindulgence in pizza that caused your bedroom snafu. Instead, there is one simple test you can perform in the comfort of your own home that will help you to figure out what is causing your erectile issues.
All you will need is a roll of stamps and a pair of loose fitting boxers. One night, as you prepare for bed, make sure you put on your loose boxers, giving everything downstairs plenty of wiggle room. Then, using the stamps, make a ring of stamps around the base of your penis. Ensure that this base has every stamp touching, and that the ring is completely unbroken. Once you have confirmed that the ring of stamps is unbroken and properly secured, it’s time to hit the hay.
When you wake up in the morning, check the ring of stamps. If you find that the ring was broken during the night, this indicates that your body is still physically capable of producing erections while you are unconscious, signifying that your ED is related to a mental hang-up rather than a physical issue.
But if the ring remains unbroken, this indicates that your body cannot produce erection unconsciously, signifying that your erectile issues could be related to a physical issue.
Once this test has determined the root cause of your erectile dysfunction, you can get to work addressing the issue and working to overcome it. Work with the proper health professional to troubleshoot your erectile issues, and, with plenty of work, you should be able to overcome ED and regain your erection and sex life.