Whether it’s time to sit down for a delicious meal, or you’re looking for a beverage while you’re on the go, it’s easy to decide to skip water and reach for a soda. After all, we all know that water can be good for the body, but soda has the flavor that people crave. And while the occasional soda isn’t the end of the world, there are plenty of men that opt to enjoy soda on a much more frequent basis. For these men, soda isn’t just a beverage to be enjoyed occasionally with dinner; it is a necessity. And when you become too dependent on sugary sodas, it’s your erection that pays the price.

The root problem with soda is the same ingredient that makes soda so good in the first place; The sugar. Sodas are chock full of teeth rotting sugar, and all this sugar can cause havoc in the body. Sugar has been found to cause the body to pack on the pounds, and has been linked to clogging up the arteries. When these two issues are combined, it’s the perfect combination for erectile issues.

The erection depends on steady blood flow to function properly. Regular soda consumption can put strain on the heart and on blood output. As the heart struggles to put out the blood the body needs, the blood runs into issue in the arteries, with the stuffed-up arteries slowing blood flow, preventing blood from reaching the penis quickly. With the body struggling to supply the penis with the blood it needs, this leads to missed erections. As the problem worsens, the issue could snowball from occasional missed erections into full blown erectile dysfunction.

So while the occasional soda won’t spell the end for your sex life, a dependence on soda could put your body on the fast track to erectile dysfunction. Like all things in life, enjoy soda in moderation. By cutting down on soda and making positive health choices, your erection should have nothing to fear.