Every man has heard the old gag before: If you’re approaching the point of no return, think about baseball. But while such logic has mostly been used as a punchline in sex comedy movies from the 80’s, men everywhere have wondered: “Is there any truth in the joke?” If a man devotes all of his mental capacity to thinking non-sexual thoughts, can it actually delay ejaculation?
While jokes about men having to think about naked grandma’s to delay orgasm will get laughs at the movies, this logic does not translate into real life. It’s true: No amount of mental concentration on decidedly “non-sexy” thoughts can help to delay ejaculation, especially if you are a man that is afflicted with premature ejaculation.
When it comes to ejaculation, it’s the body working in tandem with the brain to decide when it’s finally time. As a result, trying to cloud your mind with non-sexual thoughts will only take you so far, as your body is still experiencing pleasure, which will override your non-sexual thoughts and push your brain to signal for orgasm.
If you struggle with premature ejaculation and you’re looking for a means of delaying orgasm, forget about Animal House-style gags. Methods that withdraw the man from intercourse and allow the man to catch his breath are the best methods of delaying orgasm; for instance, the stop-and-go method and the squeeze method have both been found to help men that struggle with PE to last longer in bed.
So next time you find yourself faced with the possibility of your time between the sheets ending too soon, skip the jokes and try a technique that could help you to last longer.